Monday, May 30, 2016


I write this as the last entry I shall make. I've decided to no longer write this blog. Though the love I have for you will span the rest of my life, I feel I must let go of any notion of us together. You are by far one of the most amazing women I will ever know and I thank you for teaching me to grow up. For teaching me that I don't have to be scared to love someone because of my past or how I was raised. I thank you for supporting me the years you did and always having my back and rooting for me. I will never be able to repay all the things you've done for me emotionally and throughout our time together. I see now that there is no longer a path for either of us walk that leads to us. I haven't decided to close the blog yet but feel maybe I should. Idk. I just know that we've grown apart. Not only did we grow apart in a relationship but I also now see our friendship will never happen. We barely talk when we do its not the same it's almost forced. I don't want to remember us like that. I choose to remember the good days. But in doing so I got caught up in the old days. And for that I apologize. I started to see the pause in your relpies when I say I love u or miss u. Crazy the things I notice now compared to back then. But anyways point I'm making is I will always love you and you will always be my soulmate but I see now there is nolonger an us or any inkling of us. I hope you find happiness and I hope you remember I love you to the moon and back. We both out grew our time together. Nothing wrong with that. 

Friday, May 20, 2016

Hardest part

The hardest part about loving you, is knowing I loved you much too late & watching you love another man. I don't know how long I can keep this up.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Favorite Memory #7

Some of the most amazing moments of my life came at random times. One of those random times are the times we'd be somewhere and there'd be music or even when there wasn't any music and we'd just dance in my parents kitchen. I vividly remember holding you close thinking to myself I held the world in my arms. It didn't matter what was going on in life at that moment everything washed away and it was just us. It was the cocky hood guy that met the gorgeous country girl. It was ur old house when you used to have to use the truck to come see me at night. It was the young kids that went to Seattle and stuck the heart on the wall in gum because we wanted to proclaim our love to everyone who seen it. That's the moment I miss. Holding you close and feeling your soul connect with mine.